Acting as a judge in the Salem trials, Deputy Governor Danforth is determined to preside over a just proceedings. He is representing not only himself but his office within Massachusetts. As both a politician and a public servant, Danforth is keenly aware of his own reputation and his responsibility to the colony’s people.
The “sir” to whom he is responding is Reverend Hale, who has just stated: “You must pardon them,” referring to Proctor and others who continue to claim their innocence. By the time Danforth he makes this response, a dozen people have already been hanged for witchcraft. The proceedings have gained publicity not only in New England but also throughout the rest of the colonies. To change course at this point would be a serious error, Danforth believes; it would cast doubt on all of the court’s previous decisions, which had sent so many people to their deaths. Although he sees that innocent people will be killed and surmises that some of those already killed...
When Shmuel recounts his journey on the train, he describes a horrible situation, which was completely different from Bruno's experience on his train ride. Shmuel tells Bruno that the cars were overcrowded to the point that passengers could not breathe. In contrast, Bruno recalls that there were two trains at the station when he left Berlin and naively believes that Shmuel boarded the wrong train. Even though Shmuel tries to explain to Bruno that the train he boarded had no doors, Bruno contradicts Shmuel and does not understand why Shmuel had such a negative experience on the train. Bruno and Shmuel's different perspectives are significant because they depict the contrast between those in authority (Nazis) and those in subjugation (Jews). Since Bruno is a German Nazi, he is treated with respect and enjoys a relatively comfortable train ride. In contrast, the Jewish prisoners, like Shmuel, were subjected to the horrible conditions of the tightly packed cattle cars that took them to concentration camps. Their differing perspectives further illuminates the difference in their backgrounds and situations. Despite Bruno and Shmuel's drastically different circumstances, the two boys become close friends.
C the horses are valued and well cared for
It actually would be bodies in that sentence.