Reglas que necesitamos a crear para ele derecho a una educacion de calidad son
-Todos deberian tener una oportunida igual para una educacion
-Educacion or todos sin importa raza, color, lenguaje hablado, religion, or genero
-Education debe ser gratuita por todo
Your answer will be
Which basically mean park
The government has. That fix the air pollution to take care of our
So basically what it wants you to do is make Five sentences IN SPANISH using these pictographs. I believe they are not looking for a specific sentence they just want you to show what you know.
Using the first bobble... It has M for Male...
SO theres a picture of a king of a symbol that means boy, pointer fingers,a face with a question mark, and so on.....
so with just a few of these....
El gobernante del pueblo es un hombre.-The ruler of the people is a male.
El rey es un niño-the king is a boy
el rey trata a todos igual-the king treats everyone equally
now we can move to second bobble......
La reina es una niña-The queen is a girl
la reina también es gobernante como el rey-the queen is also a ruler like the king
Now you have 5 sentences in spanish
hoped this helped
Mudarse por su cuenta ⇔ medir las pertenencias
Contratar un camión ⇔ compañías de servicios
Actualizar su información ⇔ pedir ayuda
Investigar ⇔ Ir a una entrevista.