Out of the choices given, attacking the person instead of the argument is a type of logical fallacy called ad hominem. The correct answer is C, ad hominem.
Charts, time lines, web diagrams, and Venn diagrams are examples of graphic organizers.
Graphic organizers are in a sense visual representations of data made so as to make the interpretation and the readability of the data easier with the pictorial representation of the said data with the use of visual aids.
Here the use of charts, time lines web diagrams as well as Venn diagrams all use the visual aid in different contexts to convey information that can be written down but is easily computed ad understood with visual aid when laid down to it.
I am seated in one of the last rows of chairs reserved for the audience who will attend the Barnard College Graduation Ceremony. The climate is pleasant and that is why everyone wears comfortable clothes, but consistent with the occasion. We didn't see a cloud in the sky and the environment has a fresh wind, totally balancing the feeling of warmth coming from the sun.
The chairs are white, plastic, but big enough to accommodate my body.
A few minutes after my arrival, the ceremony began, soon the graduates entered and settled in the place reserved for them and in a few minutes we can hear Toni Morrison's speech.
The speech was very emotional and highlighted the challenges and advantages of our professionals who were being trained that day. An important point of the speech, impressed me, when Morrison pointed out the importance of this new generation of professionals looking for equality and gender in their workplaces, since the women present there and those who still entered the job market, struggled to get their diplomas and have a good academic life and for that reason they deserve to be respected and have their rights guaranteed, as well as their wishes, capacity and autonomy respected.
The theme is based outdoors the story is about trust but not a good deal in favoring the woodpecker agreed to help and he did but when he asked the lion for help he didn't say I gave a good deal to you I didn't eat you but all in all the lion is not fare and the woodpecker was