When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes,
I all alone beweep my outcast state,
Haply I think on thee, and then my state,
(Like to the lark at break of day arising
From sullen earth) sings hymns at heaven's gate;
"It burns the prettiest of any wood" is a phrase that, through allegory, focuses on the concept of equality, by establishing that everything that has the same characteristics will ultimately have the same result, since the intrinsic equal nature of things means that, despite minor differences, this difference is not seen in the essence of the thing. Thus, all those things that are essentially the same, such as wood, beyond their minor characteristics (beauty, for example) are equal to each other and therefore will burn in the same way.
A model is a small exact copy of a thing.
By exercising honesty in all interactions, we set a standard for ourselves on which peers can depend. By being objective in decision-making, we show that we can be relied on not to allow partiality to cloud our judgment. And by acting on these ethics every day with every person with whom we interact for every circumstance, we build our credibility. Integrity is Doing The Right Thing When It’s The Right Thing You Should Do. If you own a business, have your own children or teach children, or have employees to supervise daily, then you are keenly aware of your actions and why integrity is essential. Every decision you make has an impact on others. While your words or decisions may benefit one employee, colleague, or child, it may also hurt or upset others.
I hope this helps, please consider giving me brainliest :)
Objective elements of art are things that the majority of people will agree on. Objective elements are based in the realm of fact or reality. Subjective elements are open to interpretation and will vary depending on your individual experiences. Instead of facts or reality, subjective elements are very opinion oriented.