Slaves are seen as a proprty acquired rather than as human; so they are used anyhow because the slaves master believe he has paid for the slave
The author of this excerpt reveals that the living conditions of enslaved people were mainly seen by there masters as another form of property they have acquired rather than as human beings.
Slaves during this period are separated from each other i.e father, mother and children are sold separately to there owners.
As they did not understand the biology of the disease, many people believe that the black death was a kind of divine punishment retribution for sins against god such as greed, blasphemy, heresy, fornication and worldliness. By this logic, the only way to overcome the plague was to win God‘s forgiveness.
"To accommodate for lack of dependable rainfall" would be the best option as to why the ancient Chinese organized large groups of people to build and maintain irrigation systems, since when rainfall would not come for long periods of time, the crops would likely die without proper irrigation.
a no the period was well defined
b it was mostly men
c actors didnt have feelings based on colors.
Men were chosen by the draft. You had to sign up and if your number was picked - you left for Vietnam
The only way to get out of the draft was to have a medical deferment, move to Canada or stay in college.
Donald trump had 5 medical deferments for bad feet