There would be 4 quarter notes in a 4/4 time signature.
Well I remember back in the renaissance or Shakespearean era, around when the black plague started theaters weren't indoors but rather outdoors. If you go that far back I guess people weren't kept cool but you have to more specific.
An example of what the theatre looked like
Contentment sidles up beside him
The personification is the figure of speech that promotes human characteristics for inanimate objects or animals, causing a feeling of anthropomorphization. You can see an example of this in the text shown above in the line "Contentment sidles up beside him." That's because "Contentment" is an inanimate object and it would be impossible, in the real world, for it to have the ability to sidle up beside anything, which is a human capacity.
hey what happened on snap
It was made out of fabric such as the Santa Costanza