D. The colonists began to rapidly expand their settlements westward.
The US Gov't launched a series of investigations against all 205 "members of the communist party"
There was a lot of patriotism after 1812. It was essentially the second revolutionary war.
The US actually gained territory in the south (West Florida from Spanish).
Manufacturing grew during this time to supply the war effort.
A ton of natives were killed during the war (10000 according to wikipedia), so there was a lot less resistance from the natives.
The correct answers are 1, 2, and 4.
Baseball was played throughout the war and made contributions to the war effort. Servicemen were supplied with bats and balls to play baseball wherever they were, the product of what was commonly known as the Ball and Bat Fund. MLB also raised money for the Army and Navy Relief Societie
Robinson responded to Rickey in a letter preserved in the Branch Rickey Papers. After a successful season with the minor league Montreal Royals in 1946, Robinson officially broke the major league color line when he put on a Dodgers uniform, number 42,