The similarity between the due process clauses in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment is that both promises to give 'equal protection.'
The Due Process clause can be defined as a clause that 'due the process' of law, before the government takes action against someone for depriving of 'life, liberty, and property.'
In the Fifth Amendment, the due process clause gives equal protection to those held in criminal offenses. The due process clause of the Fifth Amendment ensure fair legal proceedings.
The due process clause in the Fourteenth Amendment, on the other hand, provides equal protection to it's citizens restricting federal governmental interference.
Therefore, the similarity between the due process clauses in the 5th and the 14th amendment is that both gives equal protection. The contrast is that in the 5th Amendment, due process takes place by the federal court, whereas in the 14th, it takes place by the federal government.
the marginal social benefit of producing and consuming another unit equals the marginal social cost.
My dearest wife,
I've been through hell and lived to tell the tale. I cannot wait to crawl back into your arms, having witnessed this... massacre...friends dying left and right, brothers screaming for help...but only the roar of the guns was heard.
It's been the largest number of casualties I've even seen in my life...and oh God... I hope no one ever sees hell like this again.
We, the Union, have somehow defeated general Lee, and stopped the invasion.
I hope to see you soon,
Yours forever, Erik
Answer: John Roberts Expresses Anger After Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Refuses To Directly Denounce White Supremacy
Explanation:chief White House correspondent John Roberts was visibly angry after a news conference in which Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, pressed by him to denounce white supremacists, refused to so.
“For all of you on Twitter who are hammering me for asking that question — I don’t care,” Roberts said in a live shot from the White House lawn. “Because it is a question that needs to be asked, and clearly, the president’s Republican colleagues a mile away from here are looking for an answer for it too. So stop deflecting, stop blaming the media. I’m tired of it.”