Try answering the 5W's
Like: Strength
I enjoy studying Maths and Physics (what) in my free time (when) because solving sums help me feel in control/i'm good at it/they are interesting (why). You may often me (who) hunched over a physics book on a beautiful saturday morning right after dawn in my bedroom (where)
The statue is telling the world America is a land opportunity.
The excerpt refers to a the other sentences but I never says anything about America being the land of opportunity
The narrator feels really guilty towards the end of the story because he killed the old man.The narrator is clearly guilty of murder but what is important is that he considers himself sane. The purpose of him narrating the story is to tell the reader of his sanity as indicated by his careful and astute planning of the crime.
The purpose for which something is predetermined or destined.
An act of appointing, setting aside for a purpose, or predetermining.
A place to which one is journeying or to which something is sent when the package has reached its destination kept their destination secret.