Answer: There I was sitting high above the ground, amongst the lengthy twisted surface of the branches. The surface was coarse and bristly though I couldn't help but run my fingertips over the exterior. The Wind carried a scent of fall leaves, sap and grass. This was my favorite place to sit and think. So much happening all at once but also nothing, you could close your eyes and have everything blank, but also close your eyes and have all your senses go haywire. The sound of a squirrel sprinting up a neighboring tree, the wind forcing itself amongst the leaves knocking them down or causing them to quiver. You could feel the breeze and smell the bark; though it was dirty it smelled clean and refreshing. If you open up your eyes there so much to see and observe, especially when so high up. Distinguishing the branches, how they intertwine and connect, how the clouds drifting above the world would cast shadows amid the ground. You can spot birds soaring through the sky or resting anywhere they please. It's a peaceful place but also chaotic, the ants scurrying around but you resting. Tranquil yet tumultuous, every living thing in its own world doing its own thing.
What I would do is contact my superior and ask him/her what they would want me to . do. Whatever the superior says then I would have to obey so I don't get fired. If this happens on a daily bases at your job then I would start searching for another job. Once you have found another job that you might like then I would take that one and leave the other one. Or you could just tough it out and your superior will take notice and he/she might offer you a better position. Hopefully this helps.
those are right little one
If you prepare today for what is to come then the future will be easy to you