The answer is "she" -- which was "heo" in Old English. (He, me, and we have all been relatively unchanged since the time of Old English.)
1. I took the secret documents <u>from </u>the safe that was hidden <u>under </u>a desk.
2. I put the documents <u>in </u>my bag without looking <u>at </u>them.
3. She snuck <u>under </u>the gate, and I removed the alarm <u>from </u>the wall.
4. We escaped <u>from </u>the base and we looked <u>at </u>the documents, which were ungraded school papers.
Prepositions are words used to connect other words within a sentence and express the relationship between them. Depending on what type of relationship they express, prepositions can be prepositions of time, place, direction, agent, possession, and so on.
Examples of prepositions found in the sentences are<em> from, under, in, </em>and <em>at.</em>
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Robert Frost's poem “The Road Not Taken” discusses the choices that a person may face in his life. The tone of the poem is serious and does not necessarily have an optimistic outlook. On the other hand, the poem is not about good and evil. It is about selecting the right approach to life through making decisions.