The event which is associated with the peripeteia (or turn of events) in the play is Teiresias prophecy. It changed the whole course of the drama afterwards.
problems young south africans face
повноправного а аналогово 4гтв4штеаесесмг
For number 1, Hinduism should be capitalized because it is a religion. 2. American should be capitalized because it is a language. 3. Gemini should be capitalized because it is a zodiac sign. 4. College should be capitalized because it is part of the schools name. 5. Science should be capitalized because it is a subject. 6. Archery should be capitalized because it is a kind of sport. 7. Cardinals should be capitalized because it is the name of the baseball group. 8. Jupiter should be capitalized because it is the name of a planet. 9. Scientist should be capitalized because it is a career, i'm not sure about this question though, Noble Prize also could be capitalized. Hope this helps!
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