Invention of corporation contributed to
growth of the economy through pooling of resources and limiting of liability to
the owners. For instance, the Supreme Court ruled that a private corporation is
a natural person under the U.S. Constitution, with the same rights and
protection extended to persons by the Bill of Rights, including the right to
free speech.
Write 10 sentences that have an indent in the middle somewhere. Just make all of them relate to the topic. talk about how you should stop oil spills or other stupid stuff like that. this is pretty easy.
The correct answer to your first question is C. The correct answer to your second question is A.
Answer:Vulnerability to Hacking
Disabled Voters & Electronic Voting Machines
Voter Verified Paper Audit Trails
Accuracy in Capturing Voters’ Intent
Political Ties of Manufacturers
Secure Storage of Votes
Malicious Software Programming
Physical Security of Machines
Susceptibility to Fraud
Federal Legislation