1606, John got involved in Virginia's Company of London's plan to colonize Virginia for profit.
-The NWSA worked for a constitutional amendment granting suffrage; the AWSA fought for suffrage at the state level.
The main difference between the National Association and the American Association is that the National Association held its annual conventions in Washington, D.C. and concentrated its efforts on the federal government, while the American Association held its conventions in several cities of the country, concentrating on state governments. The National Association had a centralized and unitary structure opposed to the stricter system of delegates of the American Association.
C) The Death of Moctezuma
After the Civil War, Kansas was advertised as a good place for African Americans to settle. The 1859 Kansas Constitution opened the state to all settlers regardless of their ethnic or racial background. In the 1870 census blacks made up 4.6 percent of the state's population.
D is the correct answer