could u tell me what the picture loooks like because i cant see the picture at all
¿Te imaginas qué pasaría si perdieras tu teléfono inteligente? Según el Lookout. "El 73 por ciento de las personas admite que se sentiría" en pánico "mientras que otro 14 por ciento se sentiría" desesperado "". . No es de extrañar que la ansiedad y el recelo te roen un día. Cuando enciende su teléfono móvil cada pocos minutos sin objetivos o revisa sus aplicaciones móviles sociales con frecuencia, puede sufrir de adicción a los teléfonos inteligentes. Con la adicción a los teléfonos inteligentes, las personas deben enfrentar muchos problemas, incluida la comunicación social debilitada y las lesiones físicas. Para evitar que el teléfono inteligente se apodere de nuestra vida, se dan tres sugerencias, mantener el teléfono inteligente lejos de su vista, buscar ayuda y llenar el "tiempo libre technologic".
I've been taking spanish for three years it's un
"Eficacia" refers to the impact or effect obtained from an action.
"Eficiencia" refers to the relationship between the resources used in a project and the achievements made with it.
An entrepreneur is a person who designs, launches and starts a business, based on an innovation.
The person who identifies an opportunity and organizes the resources needed to take it is called an entrepreneur.
"Eficacia" is the ability to achieve the desired or expected effect. It refers to the impact or effect of an action carried out in the best possible or experimental conditions. For an entrepreneur, it refers to the impact or effect of an action on the level of sales or customers obtained from said action. Efficiency is the level of achievement of goals and objectives. Efficiency refers to our ability to achieve what we propose.
"Eficiencia" refers to the production of the goods or services most valued by society at the lowest possible social cost. It therefore responds to the extent to which the consequences of the project are desirable from an economic perspective. In summary, it means maximizing the return (output) of a given investment. Efficiency is the relationship between the resources used in a project and the achievements made with it. Therefore, efficiency is achieved when fewer resources are used to achieve the same objective.
24. Otoño (im not very sure)
25. Ofrecían más galletas
26. Trabajaban
27. Triciclos rápidos
28. Juguetes de madera
29. Patio detrás de su casa
30. Monedas
31. No trabajaban