Answer: unfinished question?
The appropriate response is Continuous reinforcement. At the point when a life form gets a reinforcer each time it shows a conduct. In halfway support, additionally alluded to as irregular fortification, the individual or creature does not get strengthened each time they play out the coveted conduct.
Explanation:Note an important fact from Hank Wisniewski’s answer, which some misguided soul downvoted: the result is not what your teacher presumably wanted. I suspect he wanted you to calculate based on the longitudes (thus the multiples of 15°), and presumably he wanted you to say 16:00.
As Hank says, the longitudes are irrelevant. The Indian time zone (IST) has an offset from UTC of 5½ hours. Japan (JST) has an offset of 9 hours. Neither observe DST. So any part of Japan is always 3½ hours ahead of India, and the correct answer is 15:30.
India can also be at 97° E, and Japan can also be at 129° E. That makes no difference to the time in either place, but the simplistic longitude calculation would give you a time of 14:08 in this case
I agree because if no one had a reason as to why they did the idea, how would we have known how to do it ourselves.