Yesterday's weather map can be very useful when it comes to predicting the weather for tomorrow, but it also might not be useful at all. The reason why we can not say it for sure would it help or not is because it all depends on the scale of the weather map. If the weather map is only showing us smaller area, then we will not be aware of the surrounding area's weather conditions, and considering how quickly the air masses move, everything can change very quickly. On the other hand, if we have a weather map that presents us much larger area, then we can see the surrounding area and its weather characteristics, so even if the reader of the map is not professional, still it will be able to make a fairly accurate prediction.
the Himalayan mountains
The main landforms that dominate the geography of nepal and bhutan are mountain ranges usually the arid Himalayas,The Himalaya dominate much of Nepal and Bhutan
The African Transition Zone
The African Transition Zone cuts across Sudan and extends through the widest part of the African continent. The African Transition Zone creates a boundary for the realms of North Africa and Southwest Asia dividing the Islamic influence to the north from the Christian influence to the south.
The most populous country is China and its population is 1,379,302,771.
It’s C because mass wasting means movement of rock and soil down a slope under the influence of gravity