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not sure but ,U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese admitted on 25 November that profits from weapons sales to Iran were made available to assist the Contra rebels in Nicaragua. On the same day, John Poindexter resigned, and President Reagan fired Oliver North.
Yes because if we did not have those laws in place, anyone could vote. Would you think its okay to let a 15 year old vote? Personally, i believe it would be good, but also illegal.
Mahatma Gandhi had an impact on Nehru’s nationalistic feelings.
Jawahar Lal Nehru was one of the major leaders who fought for the independence of India from the rule of the British. He was the first prime minister of India when India got independence and served as the same till 1964.
He was highly influenced by the way of Mahatma Gandhi fighting for the same reason. Because of the contributions made by him for the development of the country, he is also known as the architect of India by Amar Chitra.