From sources: <span>· Persians have a different language and identity from the rest of the Middle East. </span>
<span>· Persian food rocks. </span>
<span>In Persian mythology, the devil uses Persian food to corrupt The king of the land. Two serpents grow from the King’s shoulders as a result. But “Zahak, The Dragon King” is eventually slain by a brave warrior at the foot of Iran’s highest peak, Mt. Damavand. </span>
<span>· The word Iran means “Land of the Aryan”. </span>
<span>· Famous western poets influenced by Persian poets: </span>
<span>Ralph Waldo Emerson, Wolfgang Von Goethe. </span>
<span>· Iran’s constitution and Parliament were created on Aug 5th, 1906. </span>
<span>· Famous biblical people buried in Iran: </span>
<span>Queen Esther, Daniel, Cyrus The Great, Darius The Great, St. Thaddaeus. </span>
<span>· In spite of fierce competition, Persian rugs are still the best rugs in the world. </span>
<span>· Iran has world’s best caviar. </span>
<span>· It snows in Tehran like it does in Denver. </span>
<span>· Iran has crocodiles. It’s tigers were hunted to extinction 50 years ago. But still has the only Asiatic cheetah. </span>
<span>· Only country to have purchased F-14 Tomcats from US. </span>
<span>· Persian is still spoken in Tajikestan and Afghanistan. It was the official court language of India for 200 years.</span>
type type type so i can send it
George Washington
<em>The delegates elected George Washington to preside over the Convention.</em>