- A. She passes a love note to Winston. Julia secretly hands Winston a note confessing her love for him, which simply reads, "I love you." Winston and Julia begin a torrid affair although it was forbidden. Winston used to think that Julia was an informant before that.
- D. O´Brien extends an invitation to his home. Winston believed that O´Brien was a secret agent from the resistance movement named the Brotherhood. They arrange a meeting at O'Brien's luxurious flat where both Winston and Julia swear allegiance to it.
- C. Party members are recording what they say as evidence against them. O'Brien reveals that he is actually loyal to the Party, and was simply part of a special sting operation to catch "thought criminals".
- C. The Proles. They are kept poor and uneducated with the purpose of not being aware of their place in the power structure and, this way, avoid rebellion.
I hope that these answers help you.
Oh, and even tho it's two weeks late, it is B.) He got a job at a college as a tutor
sorry its late but i hope it helps others
The mud felt great on my skin and I relaxed straight away.
The Americans were the underdogs since they were all college students, but their coach thought they could win.
Not sure if this is what you're looking for? Hope it helps :)