Good evening!
First, I would like to thank the organisers(organizers) of(for) this wonderful evening, also you for your presence and interest.
Though, who would be disinterested? Who has not fantasized about coming one day face to face with a Martian? Well, tonight, your dream has come true! Except you may be disappointed this incredible adventure did not turn us into little green creatures ...
Humans’ quest has always been to go faster, to go farther (comma) and to conquer new territories. Our history bears so many extraordinary examples of what we have been able to achieve, including going to the Moon! Yet, going to Mars seemed to be the ultimate unreachable goal. It was tiring, yes, to survive in off-terrestrial conditions. And without my experiences in space, I would not be able to walk right now. I am obviously standing hard …
But this priceless journey has given our nation an invaluable title! As the commander of Ares 1, I cannot begin to tell you how honored to have been part of it and how pride(proud) I am to have planted the flag of our dear America on Mars!
Thank you.
The first part from Anne diary speaks about Anne life before she went flee away from the Nazis. In the text it mentions Otto telling Anne that,"Nor do we want to fall into their clutches ourselves. So well leave of our own accord and not wait to be hauled away." Based on this quote Anne Frank and Otto are terrified of the treatment that they will get from the Nazis and they do not want to be bombed. Anne and her family prefer to make preparations to go into hiding. . The next part of the writing describes Anne Frank and her family life after staying hidden for serval months away from the Nazis. Anne speaks about experienceing loneliness and isolation about the way the world was. Anne writes in an passionate tone. Her style of writing provides the reader to form a connection with her because she writes down all of her feelings and emotions on paper. The structure of the text tells me how both of the experience she had made her feel. The way she structure the text helps readers gain more insight of the monstrosities that took place back then.
A culture is made up of the things that make a certain country special.
The main idea can generally be found at the beginning or end of the paragraph. It summarizes the content of the passage itself.
How does the author develop the idea that a belief in witch craft is widespread in Africa?