Danger is a situation whereby a person is seriously at risk of getting hurt or killed. It is that particular time when the adrenaline speeds to the highest informing there is a very fearful situation.
Facing danger is a determination which can be accomplished when one sees the need to conquer and before this is done one has to decide to make a move in taking the risk to surmount that which posses a threat against him. Fear remains the poor chisel to carve out the future, and this has been a limiting factor while many are afraid of conquering. Boldly confronting your fear which invariable presents itself dangerous to you with utmost determination to destabilize it is a very vital move which must be make if danger or dangerous situations must be eliminated. Therefore determination, confrontation and attacking that which presents itself as your fear and a dangerous situation makes you a conqueror.
“Hello, this Mike Patterson, Research and Development
1. I always ch*at online while <u><em>doing</em></u> my homework, <u><em>making</em></u> my parents really angry. I tell them I can do both, but I just can't get through to them!
2. | didn't do much this weekend. I was at home <u><em>arguing</em></u> with my brother. He can annoy me by just by <u><em>looking </em></u>at me! Is that normal?
3. A friend lent me a presentation <u><em>saved</em></u> on a flash drive. It <u><em>being</em></u> her only copy, she told me to be really careful, but I accidentally reformatted the flash drive, <u><em>meaning</em></u> the presentation's gone. Any advice?
4. There's a group of students at school <u><em>calling</em></u> me names. And when I got home today, there were some really terrible comments <u><em>posted</em></u> on my page. I felt really upset after <u>readin</u>g them. What's the best way to stand up for yourself in these situations?