About as much as 60% of the indentured servants would die before being able to complete their contracts (which was often of 5 years). Although at first, some men were still able to claim some land after the years of work, in the 1660s, most of the good land was already claimed by large land owners. After Bacon's Rebellion in 1676, planters decided to stick with slavery instead of using the system that allowed them to abuse workers and become rich (by using a system that abused a person during that person's whole lifespan).
1. Tenochtitlan was the Aztec capital city.
2. Spanish kings spend their wealth in lavishes and buying goods from neighbouring countries.
3. Florida, Texas.
1. Tenochtitlan was the capital city and centre of the Aztec Empire founded in 1325. The city was established on a marshy island in Lake Texcoco with dwellings, pyramids, and storehouses. The Aztecs were able to settle where the lake served as a natural defence from enemies.
2. The Spanish economy was backward at the time it started acquiring colonies. The economy was weak as agriculture was not well developed because of infertile lands. The Spanish Kings receive bullion of gold and silver and spend on buying goods from neighbouring empires.
3. Florida and Texas were two Spanish colonies located in the United States.
Answer: expansions of labor unions