I miss talking and hanging out with my best friend I remember going everywhere with him!
Why did you stop talking?
We celebrated turning 30 at the same time but hten he got a new job and moved to a new city.
I remember hearing that. Have you talked to him recently?
Yes, but I regret not calling him more often.
I imagine being far apart is difficult.
It is. I enjoy spending time with him!
Anyways. Do you want to go to the movies?
I'd love to but I need to but a new swim suit at the store.
Oh, I forgot to tell you- I bought you a new swimsuit already!
You did? You promised to save moey for our trip! THat's nice of you, but I refuse to accept it.
1, 2 and 5
A bond may be issued by the govt or a public company to raise cash for the time being and return it to the investors when the bond matures. While on the other hand, stocks are a small ownership of the company which you buy at the prevailing price in the stock market. The bonds are held for long term whereas stocks can be bought and sold within the same day. The return on bonds are stated before while stocks depend on the volatility of the stock market therefore its riskier.
D. Points that elicit an emotional response
his songs are literally so calm. i jus like himm with many reasonss behind
Answer and Explanation:
1. The way of positioning poetry as a form of popular education is something that stands out for me in this lecture. This is because it puts poetry, and literature in general, as an influencing and transforming factor in society, since that can stimulate concepts and reflection on problems of a political, social and economic nature.
2. I believe that Langston Hughes' poetry has a strong political and, in a way, democratic and social content, while placing African-Americans within this scenario, to which we are all part.
3. We must stand on our own shoulders and take our responsibility for ourselves and for the defense of democracy and the oversight of politics in our country, since we are responsible citizens for our nation. We must position ourselves and maintain what we represent, within society.