This process of making sugar and oxygen is called photosynthesis. Pond weed uses the carbon dioxide which is dissolved in the water it is in. The amount of dissolved carbon dioxide can be varied by adding sodium hydrogen carbonate (carbon dioxide solution) to the water.
Gene therapy affects a cell by A) Cells with functioning genes are replaced with mutated genes.
Answer and Explanation: In enzyme kinetics, one constant describing enzyme activity is <em>Maximal Velocity</em> (Vmax). It indicates how fast an enzyme can catalyze the reaction. It is dependent on substrate concentration.
As the muscle is an organ which needs a great amount of energy, the enzyme glycogen phosphorilase is very active on the organ, compared to the liver, where glicose is stored. So, the Vmax of glycogen phosphorylase expressed in muscle is faster than when expressed in the liver, means the enzyme in muscle has a bigger concentration of substrate and therefore will reach Vmax faster, i.e. will be significantly larger.