The major source of conflict between President John Adams and Vice President Thomas Jefferson was that Thomas Jefferson opposed the Alien and Sedition Acts passed by the Federalist Congress, because towards the elections of 1796 the candidate that won the elections was the Federalist John Adams, and the Democratic-
1-I Only open cards when there is money inside
2-I can see through them, so you can't lie
3-I saw you wrap the presents and you could never hide
4-You never saw me, So you can't cry
5-I saw you put the presents by the fireplace
6-and you lied about santa in my face
7- How dare you ruin my christmas?
8- I thought we were all in this!
9- You lied and now Its time for my revenge!
10- I put coal in your stuff and ripped the letters you sent!
(You thought you could get me down!
You swung my emotions around !
Well that's over now!
My turn to shine!
It's Christmas Time! ) 2x
A historian using the historical thinking skill of chronological thinking might to identify historical causation. Historical thinking skill involves identifying, analyzing, and evaluating the relationships among multiple historical causes and effects. They distinguish these events among coincidence, causation, and correlation<span>. He might also be able to identify patterns of continuity and change over time. He can also relate these patterns with a larger historical process or theme.</span>
The correct answer would be A. -5+2=-3 -3/2=-1.5 aka: -3/2 (x, y) (1, -3/2)
Didnt he open up a national bank?