When it was signed in 1787, the Constitution had a preamble and seven main parts, called articles. The 15th Amendment— which was passed by Congress on February 26, 1869, and ratified on February 3, 1870 — guarantees the right to vote and guarantees that right cannot be denied based on race.
I hope that works for you
1. The ruler will not keep an army of his own.
2. British troops would be stationed permanently in the Indian ruler's territory.
3. The ruler would have to pay for the maintenance of these troops. The payment could be made in cash or kind, or by ceding a part of the ruler's territory.
4. It was compulsory for the Indian ruler to house a British resident in his court.
5. The ruler could not employ any non-British Europeans in his service or dismiss those who were there.
6. The ruler had to acknowledge the dominion of the British.
Realmente no entiendo la pregunta pero ...
Hubo muchas razones a largo y corto plazo para explicar por qué Estados Unidos se involucró en Vietnam a fines de la década de 1950.
1 razón: independencia vietnamita
2da razón- Guerra civil
Tercera razón: la teoría del dominó
Cuarta razón: el débil gobierno de Vietnam del Sur
Quinta razón: el incidente del golfo de Tonkin de 1964
Stampedes occur mainly because people feel panic. It can be real or imaginary. For example people who are in a place feel an explosion and they start to run. To understand crush dynamics it is good to investigate the psychology of masses and the effect that this has on human behavior.