This quotation is from the beginning of Chapter I, “Into the Primitive,” and it defines Buck’s life before he is kidnapped and dragged into the harsh world of the Klondike. As a favored pet on Judge Miller’s sprawling California estate, Buck lives like a king—or at least like an “aristocrat” or a “country gentleman,” as London describes him. In the civilized world, Buck is born to rule, only to be ripped from this environment and forced to fight for his survival. The story of The Call of the Wild is, in large part, the story of Buck’s climb back to the top after his early fall from grace. He loses one kind of lordship, the “insular” and “sated” lordship into which he is born, but he gains a more authentic kind of mastery in the wild, one that he wins by his own efforts rather than by an accident of birth.
<h3>Answer:</h3><h2>OPTION C</h2>
In linguistics, a clause is the shortest grammatical part that can represent a whole proposition. A typical clause consists of a subject and a predicate, the latter typically a verb phrase, a verb with several objects and other alterers. However, the subject is sometimes not stated or specific, often the state in null-subject languages if the subject is retrievable from context, but it sometimes also happens in other languages such as English.
It contains a contradiction it concludes Gandhi’s argument it makes use of figurative language it explicitly states Gandhi’s purpose
Listening - your using your ears
watching - your using your eyes
reading - your using your brain to process the words and eyes
Throughout school I have always been dedicated and determined to seeking the best grade possible. I like having a positive mindset and setting goals that will allow me to reach further goals. My favorite english teacher helped me create this mindset and allowed me to develop into the student I am today. Holding these goals and participating in a growth mindset has positively influenced my attitude towards school. I no longer see school as a chore, but rather a stepping stone to my future.