North Carolina residents want the government to fix existing roads first, before building new ones. They also favor improving rail services and buses to increase the number of public transportation users. But some citizens complain that governments are robbing Peter to pay Paul, shortchanging one area that needs transportation funds in order to contribute to another area.
Only use the important part
How does Tom Sawyer change over the course of the story? The beginning of the novel shows Tom as a crafty, intelligent, and imaginative boy with excellent theatrical skills and an intuitive understanding of human nature. ... Tom's disregard of his own interest prepares us for even greater transformations in his character.
A.superlative it is the highest it will go it is horrible<span>
Scenic is relating to a stage, state scenery, and theatrical representation. Here is a sentence with the word Scenic in it. I am going to take you to a scenic route. Hoped I helped. :)
The Wild Bactrian camel is a separate species and is the only truly wild (as opposed to feral) camel in the world. The wild camels are critically endangered and number approximately 1400, inhabiting the Gobi and Taklamakan Deserts in China and Mongolia.