I'm not entirely sure what you need us to do here. Do you need to write a verb that would fit the sentence? If so, do you have any options? If not, here are some verbs that would complete the sentence properly: right, undo, redress, make up for, compensate for, apologize for, etc. Hope this helps!
They can change the background or the set up of the play to change the mood
We have been asked not to have drama club meetings in the library common area. I say, how dare they restrict our freedom of speech! - straw man argument
I may not have a degree from my fancy college, but I know what’s right. - hasty generalization
I started playing Keno at six. You have to start young to get good at it. - ad homonym
My opponent is no patriot. Plain folks fallacy
Either you’re with us, or you’re against us. -either Dash or reasoning
Lennie's visions mean that Lennie recognizes her guilt. Furthermore, these visions foreshadow Lennie's death.
Lennie's visions show us that he has a certain awareness of his actions and recognizes that they are wrong and destructive. These visions exist to make Lennie feel guilt and remorse for her mistakes, as well as fear of punishment that he may receive for his actions. Through the dream, Lennie knows that his plans are lost and that he will not be able to move on with his own life.