Bantu migration and settlement. The social political and economic organization of the Ameru in the 19th Century. The Ameru belong the Eastern group of the Bantu. As they migrated, they interacted with various communities.
Answer: Extended voting rights beyond church members.
In 1636, the English arrived when a large group of Puritans from Massachusetts led by Thomas Hooke founded the Colony of Connecticut at the city of Hartford. They came looking for freedom of religion
only the strong will survive this can also be represented by survival of the fittest
hope this helps :D have a good day!
Soon after taking control of Congress, the Democrats passed the Boland Amendment, which restricted the activities of the CIA and the Department of Defense in foreign conflicts.
The Amendment was specifically aimed at Nicaragua, where anti-communist Contras were battling the communist Sandinista government.
Reagan had described the Contras as "the moral equivalent of the Founding Fathers." But much of their funding, to that point, had come via Nicaragua's cocaine trade, hence Congress' decision to pass the Boland Agreement.
Still, the president instructed his National Security Advisor, Robert McFarlane, to find a way to assist the drug-dealing Contras, regardless of the cost-political or otherwise.