Acquiring a job in the postal service may be difficult in the future
It is Acquiring a job in the postal service may be difficult in the future because postal carriers, postal service mail sorters, proccesors, and processing machine operators both have a loss. Carriers are loosing about 26,000 and carriers, sorters, and operators are loosing about 30,000 people. Loosing that many people will lead to it being less likely to work at a post office.
Jamey should write an outline first to plan his paper.
The first step of writing a good paper is to make an outline to organize your ideas.
He should not write down all of his research and organize it because it is unnessecary to rewrite all of his research and unimportant to organize the research. It is most important to write an outline and this is what English teachers are looking for you to understand.
It’s a because it don’t look right
By having a character not fit in or be at odds with the setting