The market price of the security is $31.81
In order to calculate the market price of the security if its correlation coefficient with the market portfolio doubles we would have to calculate first the following:
First, calculate the dividend expected after one year with the following formula:
Next, we would have to calculate the beta of the security using the CAAPM Equation:
βi= E(ri)-rf/E(rm)-rf
Next, we have to calculate the new beta due to the change in the correlation coefficient with the following formula:
β=correlation coefficient/σm*σs
Next, Calculate the new expected return as follows:
Finally we calculate the new piece of the security as follows:
The market price of the security is $31.81
d. is a nominal variable and the price of a Honda Accord divided by the price of a Honda Civic is a real variable.
In domain of economics, nominal varable are value that can be measured in terms of it's monetary value of the price that exist at that particular period of time. For instance blood type and genotype.
real value on the other hand is been measured based on goods/services, it's is the value even when inflation has set in.
If the first rule is observed, the database is said to be in "first normal form." If the first three rules are observed, the database is considered to be in "third normal form." Although other levels of normalization are possible, third normal form is considered the highest level.
<em>d. regressive tax.</em>
Because as we can see on the given statements that lower income people come to buy grocery than the higher income people, so the 10-cent fee for disposable bags will come under regressive tax, as we know that regressive tax is a tax in which is taken or collected largely from the lower income people than the higher income people.
<em>So, the correct option will be OPTION (d).</em>