hey hope you good,happy birthday bro I'm really gonna miss you from all the things we did that was memories and this will be the last time I could ever say happy birthday unless we stay in contact.....wish you the best on your dreams and stay safe bro see you on the other side
Main idea: The pogo stick has gone through several changes. Supporting detail: Time magazine voted this version of the pogo stick to be retro favorite etc….
Main idea:The hula hoop is an ancient toy. Supporting detail: The ancient Greeks used hooping as a form of exercise
Main idea: The materials to make yo-yos have changed.
Supporting detail: Early yo-yos were made of wood, metal, and clay
more importantly making pennies waste time and money.
the setting influences the flat which included the story events action are more likely to take place in specific environment also the story stone in them really on accepting collectors background influence how to call doctor is really too and behave in the setting