encoding, storage, and retrieval
According to the psychologists three stages are responsible for the memory and learning process: they are encoding, storage, and retrieval.
1. Encoding: This is the first phase of the learning process of particular information. Encoding involves three basic areas through which memory of a particular information is being encoded; these are acoustic, semantic, and visual encoding.
2. Storage: It refers to the ability to retain a particular information in the memory. In other words, it maintains information over time.
3. Retrieval: It refers to the phenomenon of accessing a piece of information whenever required that is taking out the information from the memory to the conscious awareness.
The complex and fluid interaction between an individual and risk / protective factors in one or more domains have been defined as the Web of influence of causality.
What is the complex and fluid interaction?</h3>
The complex and fluid interaction between an individual and risk/protective factors in one or more domains has been described as a coherent pattern and draws from the ecological perspective of Bronfenbrenner, Now widely accepted in public health approaches. No single factor influences people's behavior instead the complex interaction between an individual and an environment is a process that, taken together, influences behavior. Contributors to the behavior of individuals/ Ecological Model are Individual factors such as Social, cultural, Socioeconomic, structural factors Political factors and Environmental factors.
To learn more about risk/protective factors, visit;
The Mayans were one of the indigenous societies in Mesoamerica.
The term civilization used to describe the Mayans society because of a complex society with its cultures and cities. The Mayan civilization centered in various parts of Central America and South America. Mayan relied on its geographical condition for survival as they farmed corn, squash, and beans.
The Mayan civilization was a theocracy because of the society that controlled by religious priests. The Mayans believed in gods controlling the world. The priests had the power to knew the gods' wishes. Therefore the priests held power in the Mayan society by making decisions.
Mayan developed hieroglyphics as a writing system. The hieroglyphic signs are pictorial, which are recognizable because of pictures, including people and animals, along with objects of daily life.
The U.S. government uses body mass index to estimate a person's body weight status.