Mi hermana me comprende cada vez que le cuento mis problemas.
Mi mamá nos abraza a mi hermano y a mí cada noche antes de dormir.
Mi tío me llama por teléfono cada fin de semana para invitarme a su casa.
"Los parientes" make reference to each member of our family. In this case the objective was to write things that relatives do for us, with specific verbs.
The sentences made were the following:
My sister understands me every time I tell her my problems.
My mom hugs my brother and me every night before bed.
My uncle calls me every weekend to invite me to his house.
There are many relatives that we could name, here is a list of some of them so you can make more sentences:
Papá (Dad)
Mamá (Mom)
Hermano (Brother)
Hermana (Sister)
Tío (Uncle)
Tía (Aunt)
Abuelo (Grandfather)
Abuela (Grandmother)
Hijo (Son)
Hija (Daughter)
Sobrino (Nephew)
Sobrina (Niece)
Nieto (Grandchild)
Nieta (Granddaughter)