Elizabeth is anything but bitter and sniveling. She is solicitous of her husband, John, as well as deeply caring and sensitive, if still hurting from what has happened to her
The story evoked many emotions amoungst the lead characters. lizabeth use to be a carless girl that had matured because the events happening around her. also say how it changed her for the better or for the worst
The authors purpose was to, put in basic form ; inform the reader about malaria, to give insite.
D) Ancient Egypt began 5,000 years ago, when early villages became kingdoms.
1.- Gastby is worried that Daisy will be too worried about Tom's feelings if he reunites with her in her home.
3.- The valley of ashes sybolizes the decay of society that is focused too much on wealth
4.- foul, dismal, stare
The green light represents Gastby's hopes and dreams for the future.