I challenged the Soviet union to tear down the Berlin wall. I also maintained a hard line against communism. --- Ronald Reagan
I made the decision to drop the atomic bomb, but I also became known for the Marshall plan and docutrune of containment.--- Truman
I pulled missiles out of Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis and I prevented the Cold War from escalating into a nuclear war--- I'm pretty sure this Khrushchev
Communist Bloc- Stalin
I was good friends with the leaders of the Soviet Union and the United States and helped end the Cold War by bringing them together --- Thatcher
my policies were designed to give more personal and economic freedom to people in the Soviet Union I had good relations with many leaders in the Western Bloc --- Gorbachev
my Administration created the idea of brinkmanship going to the brink of nuclear war to achieve our aims --- Ike. aka Eisenhower
After the colonies declared their independence from the crown they joined together to form one country, however each state was self governing.
In order prevent infighting and animosity between them it was sought to create a single unified government. With that in mind, every state sent a delegate to meet in a convention to plan how this was to be done, the result of this convention was the creation of the first government in the United States in 1781 under the "The Articles of the Confederation".
This new central government proved to be weak and ineffective and failed to prevent infighting between states over land boundaries and taxes.
As such it was sought to create a stronger federal government to overcome the deficiencies the first government had.
After many meetings and discussions, on September 17th 1787, during the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention, the United States Constitution was finally signed.
Problems they faced were coming back to America, without any food and money , also they suffered loss of friends and family who were also in the war. A country usually has to recoup after a war, which usually causes an increase in poverty and homelessness. So summarily the freedman had to build their lives again and adapt to the new environment of America.
Communism and Facism in principle are at direct odds with one another.
Communism in it's purest form would have the ultimate outcome of total equality among the people with no private ownership and really little to no government presence. In contrast, Facism in it's purest form is a complete authoritarian state with all power belonging to a central authority or dictator. What falters in each system is often dependent on a power struggle. Each system, along with other political systems, are based on haves and have nots, giving and taking, the aristocracy vs. the proliteriet, etc. In recent history, Facism tends to move towards socialistic or at least moderate ideals due to the complete oppression of the many. In the same way, Communism has struggled due to the existence of a hierarchy structure that often resembles fascism. The fascist components in a communist society often attempt to hide the fact that a fascist type authority exists.
the answer is b because i did this on a test so have a good day