Its falso because his not happy that his sick
La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
La figura literaria "el viento gime por su soledad," es una metáfora.
Las figuras literarias sirven para que el escritor pueda darle un nuevo significado y relevancia a las ideas que desea plasmar. Si usas figuras literarias en tus tareas o escritos, podrás ejemplificar, adornar, exagerar un punto para que se entienda mejor, darle "viveza" a tus palabras, podrás convencer por medio de la persuasión, "envolver" a tus lectores para que no pierdan el interés de la lectura.
Hay muchas figuras literarias. Las más comunes son: metáfora, símil, onomatopeya, paradoja e hipérbole.
1. Pepe es español, mientras que sus amigos Luis, Jorge, Peppa y MariCarmen20 son chino, japonés, mongola y marroquí, respectivamente.
2. The rule is that in nationalities, opposite to Enslish's rule, the first letter is not capital.
3. In my house we don't speak the same language as they speak in Alejandrina's house, we speak a different language, which is much stranger, it is Suahili.
"The statement "The American Psychological Association is the only organization that can approve psychological research studies." is false.
Although the organization is one of the premiere psychology association in the United States, wherein it is an institution that represents the psychologists in the US, it is not only the organization that approves researches relating to psychology."