She is understanding and regretful
When referring to 'us' it would be better if you stated the minority or majority.
Anyway, The entire American Government was made to support the white man. There is no such thing as equality or political justice, nor is what remains of it supporting others.
2) It reinforces the idea that the rights given to others are not extended to African Americans
p.s. Maybe write on the margin of the paper (beside the second question): Rights were only given to the white man, thats why in many situations the white women would find themselves in an aliance with the African Americans— it was fueled by a want/need for freedom.
Faith seems quite lonesome and sad, wishing for her loved husband to stay with her. And Goodman Brown seems very devoted to wherever he is going, and assures his wife she doesn't need to doubt him for he would be back soon. I hope this helps!
The island didn't look far away, and I felt sure that I could arrive at it. As I was lost in huge sea for as far back as three days, paddling consistently with void stomach with least any expectation of enduring , with hazy vision I my eyes zeroed in on coasting real estate parcel far away, and I was loaded up with colossal expectation. I began paddling the boat quicker and quicker, yet abruptly the mists turned more obscure and the waves became more unpleasant, my stomach dropped when I saw a tremendous wave creeping towards me, I yelled "WHY NOW?" and my previous existence suffocated over me, soon the wave was over me, and I shut my eyes tolerating what is to come. At the point when I opened my eyes, I was lying defenselessly in a hard surface with a crab sitting upon me, it was the first occasion when I accepted wonder do occur. There was a lot of food to fill my stomach, I drew a major SOS I around the island and soon in 2 days a helicopter passing by saw it, and I was protected. The best inclination was meeting my family following 6 days and revealing to them the extraordinary boldness story of mine. I'm always failing to go on an undertaking once more!.