Neanderthals is the closest relative to modern human. According to the study of evolution of man, neanderthals are the one with the closes facial structure and body structures to human. Their higher classification is already considered as human.
Rebuilding of strong economies.
People wanting to buy stuff.
People wanted to forget the war, and move on in their lives.
The U.S. government grew substantially beginning with President Franklin Roosevelt's administration. In an attempt to end the unemployment and misery of the Great Depression, Roosevelt's New Deal created many new federal programs and expanded many existing ones. The rise of the United States as the world's major military power during and after World War II also fueled government growth. The growth of urban and suburban areas in the postwar period made expanded public services more feasible. Greater educational expectations led to significant government investment in schools and colleges. An enormous national push for scientific and technological advances spawned new agencies and substantial public investment in fields ranging from space exploration to health care in the 1960s. And the growing dependence of many Americans on medical and retirement programs that had not existed at the dawn of the 20th century swelled federal spending further.
It has been observed by an honorable gentleman [Smith], that a pure democracy, if it were practicable, would be the most perfect government.
The Founding Fathers credited the 39th clause as the origin of the idea that no government can unjustly deprive any individual of “life, liberty or property” and that no legal action can be taken against any person without the “lawful judgement of his equals,” what would later become the right to a trial by a jury of one’s peers.
The last phrase of clause 39, “by the law of the land,” set the standard for what is now known as due process of law