One of the most outstanding points in West African history is how geography was influential in the development of this region.
When researching the history of West Africa we can see how the geography of a place is important in the development and relationships that this place presents. This is because the geography of West Africa determined how the population would grow, causing the most populous and most influential villages to settle in the south of the Sahara desert. This happened because this region had a more fertile and well-structured soil for agriculture. These villages, therefore, had good agricultural products because they could establish an exchange trade with the villages that had another type of product.
Geography is a field of science that deals with studying the earth's surface, climate, continents, countries, people, industries, and resources. It has two branches: the physical geography and the human geography. Physical geography deals with studying the natural environment, its characteristics and how it works while the human geography deals with studying the people and their total interaction with the environment and their culture, history, traditions, and economy.
What Is Geography?
Geography is the spatial study of the earth's surface (from the Greek geo, which means “Earth,” and graphein, which means “to write”). Geographers study the earth's physical characteristics, its inhabitants and cultures, phenomena such as climate, and the earth's place within the universe.
Each state will be given with the number of electoral votes depended on their population.
The more population that a state has, the more amount of electoral votes that representatives from that state can cast. Currently, Unite States has around 538 electoral votes and it's spread out all across the states.
Let's examine Vermont and California as a comparison.
Vermont only has around 600,000 population. So the state only get 3 electoral votes out of that 538 total. California has around 39.51 million population. This states get 55 electoral votes out of the 538 in total.
Tao Te Ching translates very roughly as "the way of integrity". In its 81 verses it delivers a treatise on how to live in the world with goodness and integrity: an important kind of wisdom in a world where many people believe such a thing to be impossible.