The English language contains many words that are similar in both spelling and meaning but are used differently. Understanding the differences in these types of words will help you in both your reading and writing. In this lesson, we will compare the words ''breath'' and ''breathe.''
Breath vs. Breathe
Small spelling differences can make a big difference in your writing. Forgetting a letter, or adding one too many, can change the meaning, make your writing confusing, and undermine your credibility as a writer.
The difference between 'breath' and 'breathe' is a classic example. They only have one letter difference, and they mean similar things, but they actually have completely different jobs in a sentence. That is because they are different parts of speech, meaning they have different functions in a sentence. Using the wrong word will make your whole sentence grammatically incorrect and confusing to the reader.
Take a Breath In
'Breath' (rhymes with death) is a noun, and as you probably remember, a noun is a person place or thing. It describes the thing, the air, that comes into and goes out of your lungs when you breathe, which is what makes it a noun. The sentences below show the proper usage of the word breath:
In contemporary literary studies, a theme is a central topic a text treats. Themes can be divided into two categories: a work's thematic concept is what readers "think the work is about" and its thematic statement being "what the work says about the subject". Themes are often distinguished from premises.
this is the link
Subject is a topic that acts as a foundation for a literary work, while a theme is an opinion expressed on the subject. For example, a writer may choose a subject of war for his story, and the theme may be his personal opinion that war is a curse for humanity.
It means most important. For example, a priority for you would be to get good grades. It's currently the most important thing for you right now.
The point of view that is revealed is that she is scared and is assuming that the minister's family is not going to like their christmas dinner and the way that their family act.
This statement is true:
C Some words that are usually nouns can function as adjectives.
The B sentence is not finished, so it is hard to say if it true or not.