Archimedes was an ancient Greek mathematician and inventor. He made mathematical discoveries as he solved everyday problems. He invented machines to move heavy objects, carry water, and fight battles. Archimedes recorded his discoveries so that others could learn from them. Today he is considered one of the greatest mathematicians of all time.
Archimedes was born in the Greek city-state of Syracuse, Sicily, in 287 bc. His father, Phidias, was an astronomer. Archimedes also studied astronomy.
It is believed that Archimedes visited the famous library of Alexandria, Egypt, where he met great scholars. While in Egypt, he is said to have invented a machine to carry water upward from one level to another. The machine, known as Archimedes’ screw, is still used in parts of the world today.After studying in Alexandria, Archimedes returned to Syracuse. He wrote many works to explain his discoveries. Archimedes’ most-famous ideas include his explanations of how levers and pulleys can lift and move heavy objects. Another idea, called Archimedes’ principle, is a scientific law. It describes what happens when an object floats in water.
In 213 bc Romans attacked Syracuse. Archimedes invented machines to defend the city. When Syracuse was finally overtaken, Archimedes was killed there in 212 bc.
It results in phosphate dissolving into nothing.
Answer: In his experiment, Pavlov used a metronome as his neutral stimulus. By itself the metronome did not elicit a response from the dogs. Next, <u>Pavlov began the conditioning procedure, whereby the clicking metronome was introduced just before he gave food to his dogs.</u>
Answer is A.
Daffodil Flower
.These are signs that Spring has arrived
.Yellow or white with 6 petals
.Is supposed to bring happiness when given as a gift
.Symbolizing Rebirth and New beginnings
.Is forced to bloom in New Year
.March birth flower
.Will bring good luck to your home (According to China)