President Roosevelt used executive power to order the relocation of many Japanese immigrants.
Sorry Rjune....but there is no question to be answered.
There's multiple differences in the government systems in the countries of Jordan and Kuwait on one side, and the United Arab Emirates and Oman on the other side.
Jordan and Kuwait are both countries that have parliamentary monarchies. They have a Prime Minister that is the head of the country, and also there's a multiparty system, so the people can vote for their leader.
The United Arab Emirates and Oman, on the other hand, are countries that have constitutional monarchies. The monarch is leading the country, and it is not the people that have their say in the choice by voting, instead, it is the only the high class representatives of the society that vote for who will lead the country.
This can depend on what way the person wants to be successful. if they want to be more successful with their happiness, then a lot of money could support happiness or create discontent. If a person wanted a marriage to be held together by his wealth, it can depend on how the money is used... for example, if a couple has no money or very little, then they can get into fights caused by stress... and if a couple has a lot of money, then they could also get into fights because of greed. It really all depends on the users and possessors of the cash.
I hope this answered your question effectively enough.