The answer is preview, plan, predict
Yes, by the end they are dynamic.
1 A.D.: Hohokams development. ...
1848: Mexican-American War ends. ...
1863: Territory of Arizona is established. ...
1853: Gadsden Purchase. ...
1858: Large-scale mining begins. ...
1868: Phoenix develops. ...
1881: Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. ...
1886: Geronimo surrenders.
3. There are no rules from grown-ups
According to the Chapter Four of Golding's Lord of the Flies, the boys are happy because there is no rules for grown-ups.
As they have been trapped on the island for some time and have to cater for themselves, they quickly organize themselves, elect a leader and begin to learn how to survive.
In Chapter Four, after the killing of the pig, the boys are happy at their independence and freedom from rules of grown-ups.