A Vaishnava is Better Than a Brahmana. Brahminical life means cleanliness. Brahminical life means to be very, very clean, inside and out. Inside by chanting and hearing, and outside by bathing three times daily, if not possible at least two times, but never less than once. Bathing after passing stool.A Vaishnava is Better Than a Brahmana. Brahminical life means cleanliness. Brahminical life means to be very, very clean, inside and out. Inside by chanting and hearing, and outside by bathing three times daily, if not possible at least two times, but never less than once. Bathing after passing stool.
A. House of Representatives is the answer
D. railroad
if they dont have water, the railroad will bring it to them
"providing hindsight explanations for human behaviors"
Not my words
Compound interest refers to the interest charged on both the amount borrowed and previous interest
The greater the number of compounding periods within a year, then (1) the future value of a lump sum investment at Time 0 not necessarily is greater and (2) the present value of a given lump sum to be received at some future date not necessarily is smaller.
Therefore, the given statement is false.