The separation of class was strengthened by Hinduism. According to Hindu myth, the god Purusha was assembled from the four castes, with the Brahmins at the head and the Shudras at the feet. They believed that the shudras had been born into their caste because they committed bad things in their previous lives.
The one that did not contribute to the spread of the Great Depression in Europe is : C. Europeans invested heavily in railroads
Technically, the railroad building opened a lot of job opportunities for the people and helped during the depression
In Sikhism, the five Ks or kakkars or kakke are the five articles of faith worn by all baptised Sikhs. The 5 Ks taken together symbolisz that the Sikh who wears them has dedicated themselves to a life of devotion and submission to the Guru. The 5 Ks include the following: Kesh (uncut hair), Kara (a steel bracelet), Kanga (a wooden comb), Kaccha - also spelt, Kachh, Kachera (cotton underwear), and Kirpan (steel sword).
Equality for all people
Sense or community
It was forgotten in it's time because no one cared about being civil and listening to what EVERYONE wanted and being at peace with one another. They thought fighting in a war would help them simmer their dispute. Today, we don't fight over lands and things as much as we used to. While South America and North America are still fighting, *not in a huge war* it's not the same as it was then.