During Mao Zedong's rule, everyone who opposed the regime was deemed to be an imperialist and a traitor, and any opposition would be suppressed. People would get imprisoned or sent to work camps.
The Hans dynasty retains centralized burueacracy and unified political system of the Quin but adopts and grafts upon this the Confucian view that government should be run by educated, ethnical men.
and theres no question
Two Weeks
Major Depressive Disorder or simply Depression is a serious mental disorder characterised by periods of low, sunken moods, withdrawal and lack of interest in everyday activities like talking, eating, socializing.
The will to stay alive begins to gradually ebb as the victim is no longer interested in life and begins to withdraw from people.
The victim may also start hallucinating by seeing or hearing things that do not exist.
However for a person to be confirmed as depressed, the symptoms must have lasted for a minimum period of two weeks
Here are two truths about the Kellogg-Briand Pact.
1. It wanted to outlaw war, so that nothing like The Great War would ever happen again.
2. It failed to have any real impact in keeping nations from pursuing war, and we now call "The Great War" World War I, because it was followed by World War II.
French Minister of Foreign Affairs Aristide Briand and US Secretary of State Frank B. Kellogg were key proponents of the plan, which was signed by various dignitaries at the White House in 1928. The pact stated that the signing nations were "persuaded that the time has come when a frank renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy should be made," and so the signers of the treaty declared their opposition to war. By their example they hoped to encourage other nations of the world to join them in the same commitment.
The pact had little effect.