The large farms all over the south are called Plantations
Put simply, the difference between a unitary and a federal government is that a unitary government puts its power in one central government while in a federal system the governing power is divided into federal and local governing bodies that connect to the national government.
The independent states claim the power to levy war, make peace, make alliances with foreign nations, conduct trade, and to do anything else that independent states have the right to do.
1. alliance coalition of countries that opposed the Allied powers in World War II 2. Axis to subdue and limit the freedoms of people 3. dictator a close association of countries 4. economic collapse Italian Fascist party leader during World War II 5. fasces the financial panic and downfall of a country 6. fascism extreme totalitarian government run by a dictator and based on highly-emotional nationalism 7. Mussolini rods bound by straps, blade of an axe protrudes from the rods symbolizing unity and strength, used as a symbol for power and jurisdiction 8. suppress a sole ruler of a nation; often cruel and abusive
The peasant class was very poor and was taxed horribly because the King wass spending all his money.
Also they just got out of a war that they were not payed for yet(American Revolution)
Political: The king was taxing the life out of the lower classes which caused resentment
Social: the Enlightenment was causing some problems bc it challenged the views everyone held about rights, authority, religion, etc.